Fantasy, Fiction, Henry-Mark, Post Apocalyspe

#840 The Sweeter the Juice by Mark Henry

The Sweeter the Juice by Mark HenryThe Sweeter the Juice by Mark Henry

In the zombie apocalypse it’s hard to survive. It’s even more difficult to survive if you’re trans. There’s only about one doctor around that treats trans patients and he has a strict bartering system. If you don’t barter with him, you don’t get your treatment. The main character of the story falls behind on her payments. The receptionist strikes a deal with her though. There’s this new street drug, that might do what the surgery would do. If she can find out what it does and how, she can get her treatment for free.

What I liked

I do like the idea of addressing medical issues in a dystopian world. What happens when you have diabetes and have to go to the Hunger Games?

What I didn’t like

I have some personal reservations about this book. If you’re trans–fine, I’m happy for you, really. I’d rather you be happy, than miserable. I’m glad we have more acceptance of the trans community. What I am not glad of is all of the young people who say they’re trans because they think it’s cool. It cheapens the struggle someone else has had to go through.  I’m more of a do something because you feel it’s right, rather than a do something because everyone else is doing it kind of person. We all know someone who has hopped on some band wagon just because it was the talked about thing of the time, then later, they say it was a phase, or whatever.

What does this have to do with this book? Well, where is it coming from? Is Mark trans? Does he have a sister who is trans? A best friend? Seriously, what’s the deal? If Mark doesn’t have some connection to the trans community, it kind of seems he’s written this character and this story because it’s a hot button topic right now. On the good side, this is Mark trying to reach out to the trans community, although with some of the things in this book, the trans community probably wants Mark to reach on back to where he came from; on the bad side, this is Mark trying to cash in on a hot button topic combined with our scary creature flavor of the decade–Zombies.

It just reeks of less than altruistic motives.

This book is also gross.



Weigh In

If you were trans and undergoing hormone therapy during the apocalypse, what would you do?

Considering that a lot of literature serves a lot of people in different ways, shouldn’t most literature be geared to serve someone in some way?

#840 The Sweeter the Juice by Mark Henry was originally published on One-elevenbooks

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